The key to overcoming Stereotype Threat
May 3, 2015
Wikipedia does a great job summing up what an affirmation is."Affirmations in New Thought and New Age terminology refer primarily to the practice of positive thinking and self-empowerment—fostering a belief that "a positive mental attitude supported by affirmations will achieve success in anything." More specifically, an affirmation is a carefully formatted statement that should be repeated to one's self and written down frequently. For an affirmation to be effective, it needs to be present tense, positive, personal and specific"In our last blog post, we were asked to talk about Stereotype Threat. In this resource, it specifically states that Stereotype Threat can be combatted with positive affirmations.
My Exemplary Father
I am going to take a minute to talk about my father. My father is someone that I deeply love and respect. He is a self-made man that rose out of poverty, worked his way through a bachelor's and a master's degree in a foreign language (my father is from Japan, and attended school in the US), built his business and provided a comfortable life for his family and for those who needed help around him.I remember a very specific time in my life, in my teenage years, when my father had picked up a book on affirmations. He taught me that positive affirmations had a powerful effect on the mind, and that it is important to be careful about what I say or think. Some of the literature he shared with me that strongly influenced my core beliefs are: As a Man Thinketh, Don't Sweat the Small Stuff, and The Wisdom of Florence Scovel Shinn. The last book is strongly Christian-influcenced, nonetheless, a collection of powerful anecdotes on the influcence of affirmations. I also remember walking into the restroom or my father's den to find cards with positive affirmations plastered all over the walls. I remember, in particular, seeing a card that said something like, "I believe in my children and that they would make the right decisions." Over the next decade or so, I noticed a significant change in the way my father interacted with me. Not that my father was ever an unkind man, but his tone seemed kinder and more patient. I can only imagine, being a father to a hormonal and slightly psychotic teeneager (and eventual young adult) was no easy task! I am sure, when your stupid teenager makes bad decisions, it invokes plenty of self-doubt about one's parenting skills. He had to find a way to deal with the challenges of being a parent, and I imagine affirmations were how he got through those years. :) I have tremendous respect towards my dad for all that he accomplished, and I have no doubt the affirmations were part of his success.